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Our Programs


Queen of Hearts Nursery Schools are divided into two clear areas, one for children over 30 months (The Mad Hatter Rooms) and one for children under 30 months (The White Rabbit Rooms).  Each morning we come together in our rooms for Wake and Shake to help ready us for the day ahead before starting our day. 


The daily program for all children encompasses the needs of the whole child. Particular emphasis is placed on :

Social - feelings and reactions about and to others

Emotional - spiritual, feelings and reactions about themselves

Communication/language - spoken, written and gestural

Cognitive - mental abilities – e.g. discovering, sorting, classifying

Physical - including growth and motor development (gross and fine).


Six areas of learning and development:

Communication, language and literacy

Problem solving, reasoning and numeracy

Personal, social and emotional development

Knowledge and understanding of the World

Creative development

Physical development


The importance of play cannot be over emphasised and the curriculum is carefully planned in order that each child learns through play and every opportunity to extend this play is taken. The topics are therefore fun and child centred allowing for flexibility and spontaneity.  The full learning curriculum is at Queen of Hearts for parents to read.


French is taught within the daily program as well as dance, movement and mindfulness and physical activities.  One to one learning with qualified teachers is part of the day in the Mad Hatter Room helping children on an individual basis with their learning skills. 


Parental Involvement


Parents are always welcome at Queen of Hearts and we have several open days during the year where the children demonstrate what they have learned and share their classrooms with parents and family.  Parent and Grandparent appreciation mornings throughout the year offer a chance to grab a coffee and muffin prior to going to work.  The children love showing their families around their Nursery.


Parents are actively encouraged to become involved in their child’s pre-school care. This is achieved by a constant dialogue between staff and parents which enables information regarding a child’s educational development to be shared.  Yearly and half yearly reports are sent to parents and meetings are held to discuss each child’s progress.  However the door is always open and at any time parents are invited to discuss their child’s progress and needs.  A daily report is sent home each day outlining the day’s activities, any particular notes about the child including how much the children ate and the menu for the day.


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